Let’s setup our social icon based menu which uses the popular Font Awesome font set. This menu is specifically styled for the social icons, so you won’t be able to utilize this location for another menu. However, as you will see in the screenshot below, there is a Footer menu location available and shows the style you will get for that one with a single menu level only.
Here is an example of the social icon menu:
Setting this up is very easy because we just need to create a menu and add custom links to it.
- Go to Appearance > Menus
- Click on “Create a new menu” to create a new menu and name it something like Social Menu.
- Click on the “Create Menu” button
- Using the “Custom Links” panel to the left, we can now start adding our social profiles.
- For the URL field, enter in the full path to your page. We can use our twitter as an example: https://twitter.com/blogging_themes
- The Label field would then be: Twitter
- Click “Add to Menu”
- Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for additional social profiles you want to add.
- When you are done adding the menu items, click “Save Menu“
Assign the Menu to the Social Menu Location:
This will depend on the theme you are using because every theme will use their own menu locations that are made available to you. You are also not limited to just the menu locations that comes with your theme, you can also create additional menus to use in widgets.
- Scroll down to the bottom where it says “Theme Settings” and tick the menu location checkbox next to “Social Menu”.
- Click on “Save Menu”