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Download and install the PostMagazine theme

After you have got your theme, you may have been redirected to the download page, but if not, this tutorial will take you through the steps of downloading and installing this theme.

If You Have a Theme Membership

This is for anyone who has a Free Themes Membership, Theme Membership, or the Lifetime Premium Membership.

  1. If you have not done so yet, you will need to log in to the Blogging Theme Styles website by going to the “Log in” menu link
  2. When you are on the Members login page, use the username and password for your account to gain access.
    bts login form
  3. You will find yourself on the Support homepage, but to get your theme, go to the “Members” main menu link and click on “Purchases & Licenses” from the dropdown submenu.
  4. Once you are on that page, click on the “View Details and Downloads” button and then you will be on a new page with the downloadable files under Products.

If You Downloaded from

If you have downloaded the theme zip file directly or from the website, then you can move on to the next step.

Using the Theme Installer in WordPress

To install the theme into WordPress, we will be using the theme installer that is part of WordPress.

  1. In your admin, go to Appearance >> Themes
  2. Click on the Add New button at the top of the page, or click on the big square block in the themes page labeled as Add New Theme.themes add new
    themes add new 2
  3. The theme file you will be installing is the one you downloaded. In this case, it should be named as
  4. Click on the Install button and once it gets installed, you can activate it.
    pm active


Theme Updates

For free themes that are in the theme directory at, whenever an update comes along, you will get an update notice in your admin area and the ability to update it by clicking on the update link. For professional (commercial) paid themes, this is usually going to be different. Some theme sites offer the same method of updating (if they are using a certain purchase/download plugin) while others will require you to do a manual update — uploading the new theme files using an FTP program. However, there is a way around this which I will save for a separate tutorial.