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The Gutenberg or Classic editor for Simplified Lite

This is just an introduction to the new editor called Gutenberg which is now part of WordPress 5. Previous to the new WordPress 5 version, you were installing Gutenberg as a plugin. However, things have reversed now that WordPress 5 is here with the new editor as the default editor. People are not overly happy with it, so you have the option to now install the Classic Editor as a plugin if you want your old one back.

Classic Editor plugin

NOTE: I should also mention that we built the live demo site for this theme using the Classic Editor, but the Gutenberg page is done with the Gutenberg editor.


As mentioned, this theme supports Gutenberg which gives you a new content creation experience–love it or hate it–this will be part of WordPress version 5 as the default editor.

More About Gutenberg

The main feature of this new editor is the use of “blocks” which are predefined mini-templates that you can drop into your page. Things like headings, lists, spacers, images, quotes, and even columns. To give you an idea of what kind of blocks are part of Gutenberg by default, you can check out the live demo for this theme:

Blocks Demo for Simplified

IMPORTANT: As time goes on, more blocks will be added or changed, so even though many do not feel Gutenberg was ready for prime-time, there may be some style issues.

Align Wide and Align Full

Due to the limitation (as we discovered), this theme does support both the alignwide and alignfull style attributes for alignment, but the alignfull is not capable of going edge-to-edge of the content view because of a technical design issue with Gutenberg. In a sense, your align full is more like align “wider” (not full).