Welcome to Blog Writer Pro, a theme that was designed for blogging and writers who simply want simplicity and ease of use. What you won’t find in this theme are scripts-from-hell, tons of stylesheets being loaded, and saturation of theme settings that get you lost in a sea of confusion. We kept this fairly simple while giving bloggers only what is really needed.
We did not use icons for social media because to load 1000’s of icons from a plugin source just to get maybe 6 is crazy; this greatly lessens the page load times. We also left out Google fonts while utilizing the fonts that already exist on your computer; this also lessens the page load times significantly.
Key Features
First, you are getting a theme with more features, functions, and options, but ultimately, here is a key list of features:
- Mobile Responsive
- Responsive Typography
- Recent Posts Widget w/thumbnails
- Related Posts with Thumbnails
- About Author Widget
- 14 Blog Styles
- 13 Sidebar Positions
- Boxed Layouts including Full Width
- Page Templates
- Unlimited Colours
- Built-in Theme Customizer
- Social Menu location
- Custom Error Page
- Custom Excerpt Sizing
- Show or Hide Page Elements
- WordPress Post Formats
- Customizable Page Backgrounds
- Auto Create Blog Featured Images
- Custom WP Gallery Viewer
- Translation Ready
- Google Mobile Friendly
Customizing Your Theme
As I will keep saying this for every theme I release, there is one important element to consider when setting up your theme and website, is customization. If you plan to modify the theme at some point in time, such as modifying a theme template, or perhaps you want to add something more, I strongly recommend using a child theme. I may create a tutorial about child themes, but the WordPress.org website has a Child Theme tutorial that you can follow.
Ultimately, using a child theme will prevent you from losing any changes you make whenever this theme has an update. Making changes to the theme’s files will result in being overwritten when you update, which is why using a child theme is critical.
Theme Info Page
When you are in your site’s admin area, you have a theme information page available to you with quick links to resources and support. Go to the Appearance menu group and look for the “About Blog Writer Pro” link.
You will see a page with tabs, each containing valuable information for your reference.
One in particular is the CHANGELOG tab which outlines what changes were made in the current and previous versions of this theme.
How to Begin
Now that you’ve installed the theme, the fun begins, so I recommend exploring the customizer (found under the Appearance menu group) and all of its settings. From there, start planning out your website (if new), otherwise start adjusting your site to the new theme and features.
Support – Important
If you need support or you discover a missing or outdated tutorial, please visit the support forum for this theme and post your questions; we will be more than happy to help out.