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Change your theme colours with Simplified Pro

If you don’t like the colours you see, you can change your theme colours with an unlimited selection to personalize your site. You get colour selectors for many page elements, but not all, otherwise you would end up with a 100 settings! We focused on the main elements.

You have a couple areas that can change colours, but the bulk of them will be found in the customizer’s Colour tab; the other will be in the Gutenberg editor settings.

Gutenberg Colour Setting

You may also notice that we have one selector for the Gutenberg Accent Colour, which is the primary colour of blue. You will see this option if you have the Gutenberg editor enabled and have a post or page open:

Simplified Pro GB colour setting

When you click into a block, such as a paragraph block, the colour settings will show to the right side of the editor. From here, you can add a background colour or change the colour to your paragraph text. You can also choose your own colour if you don’t want to use the theme’s default colours.

Colours from the Customizer

You can change the theme default colours from the customizer.

Simplified Pro Colour Settings

Change Colours

  1. Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Colours
  2. Make changes to any of the colour selectors you want
    Simplified Pro Colour settings2
  3. Click “Save & Publish
Custom Colours Not Included

We are sure that you may ask “What about changing colours of elements that don’t change with the above settings?”

A valid question and one we will be able to help you out with. If there is something you want to change that isn’t included in the above settings, post your question in the support forum for this theme and let us know what you want changed. We can then give you quick and easy guidance on how to make the changes you want.

Basically the changes will involve some CSS code that we will have you paste into the “Additional CSS” tab of the customizer.