As with most themes, you get sidebars to publish widgets to. This theme offers up to 10 sidebar positions which you can view live HERE
Left and Right Sidebars
Normally with themes, you get one sidebar position for the left and/or right columns. We do them a bit different by separating the blog and page sidebars so that it makes it easier to manage widgets that relate to the blog and those that relate to pages:
- Blog Sidebar
- Page Left Sidebar
- Page Right Sidebar
This means that if you publish a widget to the Blog Sidebar, this will not show on the Page Right Sidebar…and vice versa. If you want the same widget to show on both, you will need to publish a new one to the Page Right Sidebar.
Breadcrumbs Sidebar
The breadcrumbs sidebar is provided for breadcrumb plugins that offer a shortcode or a widget that you can use to drop into a sidebar position. This theme gives you that position which is available just above the main content container for your blog posts (full post view) and pages.
Dynamic Width Sidebars
Common with my themes, you get groups of sidebars that are dynamic in width. This means they self-adjust whenever you have widgets published to the following sidebar positions:
- Bottom 1, Bottom 2, Bottom 3, and Bottom 4
For example, this is what happens when you publish widgets to the Bottom 1, Bottom 2, Bottom 3, and/or Bottom 4 sidebar position(s) as outlined below:
- Publish 1 widget = 100% width
- Publish 2 widgets = 50% width each
- Publish 3 widgets = 33% width each
- Publish 4 widgets = 25% width each
The above example and capability only works for sidebar groups which contain 4 sidebar positions that relate to each other. You will know when you have this because when you are logged into your dashboard and go to Widgets, you will see them like this example:
Show Widgets on Select Pages Only
Having the same widget show up on every single page of your website is not only frustrating, it just looks bad and takes the flexibility of using sidebars to create amazing layouts. The only solution right now is to use a plugin because WordPress does not have this capability….with WordPress, the plugin will show up on every page that has the sidebar you published it to.
In the past I normally would recommend a specific plugin that I used all the time…including over 200,000 other people because it was a very popular and efficient plugin. Unfortunately, it came under new ownership at some point in time. Without going into details, there was malicious intent with the plugin, which is a shame because with the original developer, the plugin was phenominal. has since removed the plugin from the plugin directory… the hard part is to find a quality alternative.
This is just a small list of several possible alternatives to the above mentioned plugin, but the closest ones that I can find so far are listed below and are based on the Widget Visibility in Jetpack.
- If you use Jetpack, turn on the Widget Visibility module and use that. However, if you just need the one module, Jetpack is overkill, so check out
- Widget Options – This one is being used on this theme’s demo website. It offers a ton of options and comes in free and paid versions.
- JP Widget Visibility – This is based on the Jetpack’s own Widget Visibility feature.
- or Widget Visibility Without Jetpack
There are other possibilities, so I recommend checking out the website for plugins with a search of “show widgets“.