Now things get a bit more involves as this theme is built primarily for bloggers, we’ve made Typit Pro to give you a ton of options on how to display your headers. Here is a rundown of what you can do:
- Featured Images as the header with the post title on top
- No featured image, but keeping the post title in the header
- No featured image and no post title in the header – basically a collapsed empty header
You get other options that relate to the above, such as showing or hiding the post title group and the post featured image within the post itself:
One of the things you will notice is that the header style also corrolates with the post title group. All the settings for showing or hiding the various elements, including the post featured image, are in the customizer under the “Post Settings” tab of the customizer.
Header Style
This is where you will choose if you want the featured image to show in the header, the title group, or nothing.
IMPORTANT: This will set the style for the Full Post, The Blog, and Blog Categories
- Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Options >> Post Settings
- Look for the “Post Header Style” setting and choose your style
- Click “Save & Publish“
Header Style – Post Title
This is where you can now choose how to display your post title group, including the post meta info (publish date, author, etc).
- Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Options >> Post Settings
- Look for the “Post & Page Title Options” setting and choose your style. This setting group includes title options for pages too, but because this tutorial is for the blog posts, you can check or uncheck the box next to the “Display the Normal Post Title Group“. This is the title that is in the actual post content area.
- Click “Save & Publish“
Header Style – Post Featured Image
This is where you can show or hide the post’s featured image from within the content area. You would disable this if you want the featured image to show only in the top header area.
- Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Options >> Post Settings
- Look for the “Post & Page Featured Images” setting and choose your style. This setting group includes title options for pages too, but because this tutorial is for the blog posts, you can check or uncheck the box next to the “Display the Full Post Featured Image“. This is the title that is in the actual post content area.
- Click “Save & Publish“