Common problems and quick solutions to help you out.

  1. I just purchased a theme but cannot log in to your website.
    If you have just purchased a theme or membership but do not have access, please contact us from the footer link and provide your username, transaction ID or receipt number, and include the name of the theme or membership you have purchased. Please make sure, after signing up, that you have received and clicked on the “activation” link that confirms your and gives you access to your account.
  2. From where can I download my theme?
    Once you log in to the Blogging Theme Styles website, go to the “Members” main menu link and then click on the “Purchases & Licenses” submenu link.
  3. I downloaded the theme file but it’s a folder instead of a .zip file.
    If you are using Safari, please read the following
    : The file you download should be a .zip file. Your Safari browser may be unzipping the file and thus prevents you from installing the theme. You can disable this feature in Safari > Preferences > General and by unchecking the option ‘Open “safe” files after downloading’. You can now re-download the theme file and install it.
  4. When I download a theme with Chrome, I get this warning: “ is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous”.
    This has been part of Chrome for a few years now, but it can be annoying for many people. For our themes, you download them as a .zip file, so if you have not downloaded .zip files too often, you will get that warning notice. For our themes, you can select to keep it and allow the browser to download it.
  5. When I install your theme, it doesn’t look like the demo website.
    When you first install and activate a new theme, everything is going to look different, and in some cases, very plain looking. However, some themes do have an option to import demo content so that you can make your site look as close to the live demo as possible. For themes that do not include a demo import, our tutorials will help guide you through the steps to help achieve a similar look and feel of the live demo website. If you have any questions about something that does not look right, post your question in our support forum and we will be more than happy to help guide you through it. NOTE: We generally recommend, when importing the demo content, that your WordPress installation is new without previous content and leftover files (basically, it’s better to always reinstall WordPress before you install a new theme).
  6. I updated my theme and all my custom changes are now gone.
    When updating a theme, your theme files get overwritten with the new files. Basically, all your files are overwritten with a new copy of the theme. This is why when making custom changes, you should use a child theme.
  7. I activated your theme and my Widgets are no longer in my sidebars in the Admin area.
    This is due to how WordPress works. When you activate a new theme, each theme has its own set of sidebars so WordPress will move your previous widgets to the inactive area. You will need to drag each widget into the new sidebar locations relating to the new theme. You can do so in Appearance > Widgets.
  8. How come I cannot directly upgrade my free version to the pro version?
    This is a technical thing to describe but the easiest way to describe this is that due to how WordPress functions in relation to their theme repository at the website, the auto-update functionality of WordPress cannot differentiate the free to the pro if they are both named the same. If you overwrite the free version with the pro version’s files, and then there is an update to the free one at the WordPress site, it will overwrite your Pro version. Unfortunately, you will have to install the pro version as a separate theme. However, there is a way that you could upgrade to the pro by overwriting the free version, but you will need a plugin like “Easy Updates Manager” to disable the WordPress update checker for themes (or that specific theme). If you use a plugin to disable the theme update function, you “should” be fine.
  9. I do not have access to support or theme downloads because it says I need a membership.
    You will normally see this if your membership or access period has expired, or if you are trying to access an area of the site that is not included in your current membership. If you feel that this is in error, please contact us with your username.
  10. My website is not working well after updating my theme.
    If you know for sure that the update has caused things to go awry on your website, contact us with information about the theme that you just updated and provide any errors or messages that show up and a link to your website. We will try our best to find out if our theme caused this. However, we strongly recommend, before you update/upgrade anything, whether WordPress, a plugin, or a theme, that you make a full backup. It’s best to play it safe because unexpected situations can happen.
  11. I can’t translate some text on my website.
    You might have a difficult time translating some text on your website, such as the Leave a comment or Submit buttons. You can download third-party plugins, such as WPML or Polylang, to resolve that.
  12. My problem is not listed here.
    If your problem is not listed and answered here, try browsing our documentation. If you still cannot find an answer, you can log in to the support forum and post your questions and issues there. For some reason, if you cannot log in to the Blogging Theme Styles website, you can contact us directly with your username, and we will first solve the issue of you not being able to log in to our site. Once we fix that, then you can log in to the forum and post your support needs there.**Our contact us form is not for theme support, but if you cannot log in to our site, then you can contact us using that method.